An expensive survey
April 28, 1997
An expensive student poll was just taken by GSB, and $1,500 of your funds were used for research to see whether students are interested in a new GSB constitution.
Personally, we think this is an outrage. Why would GSB spend $1,500 on a poll when there are so many other ways to distribute such funds?
There are plenty of student organizations on campus that could have used that money. Was this poll so important?
Well, after a little reading, we were interested to discover that the money initially wasn’t allocated to be spent on a poll. It was spent to fund an election to ratify or trash a new draft of the GSB constitution.
Several articles in recent Daily’s have discussed the implications of low voter turnout, one being that the election and the funding that went with it could be invalid.
Instead of deciding whether the student body voted yea or nay on a new constitution, the student body decided to make this endeavor a very expensive survey.
Is this the fault of GSB? Well, actually no. It’s the fault of the student body.
Students here had the opportunity over a week’s worth of opinions, articles, posters and hype to vote. And in the end, the students … dropped the ball.
GSB can’t be blamed here for an expensive survey.
The students of Iowa State just chose not to involve themselves in what could have been an important change in the way students conduct their government.
More than 4,700 students needed to vote to make this election valid. Only 785 actually did.
Did the new draft of constitution pass based on this poll?
Did the specialty seats pass?
Sorry. There is nothing left to say. The election is invalid.
$1,500 was spent. And you, the students, lost.