Tape shows Pratt in cell, swearing at police officers

Emily Mcniel

DES MOINES — A video tape documenting former Iowa State basketball forward Kenny Pratt’s behavior on the night of Dec. 28 while being held in an Ames Police Department holding cell shows Pratt yelling, swearing and spitting at an Ames police officer.

Pratt was arrested on several charges after being involved in a two-car accident at the intersection of Lincoln Way and Dakota Avenue.

The tape, released by the Iowa Department of Transportation, also shows Pratt asking to speak with a lawyer.

Pratt struck a deal with prosecutors Thursday. He pleaded guilty to lesser charges, avoiding a trial on drunken-driving charges. He was found guilty of reckless driving, assault of a police officer and interference with official acts. He was fined $600 plus surcharges and ordered to spend four consecutive days in jail. Pratt is already serving a year of probation for disorderly conduct.

A charge of harassing a police officer was dropped.

The tape shows Pratt spitting at Ames Police Officer David Schultz from the cell.

The tape was used as evidence against Pratt at a March 18 DOT hearing for driving without a license. The tape was never used in court. But because it is now a public record, it could be used in a civil case.

“The outcome of this addresses all three behaviors of concern,” said Mary Richards, Story County attorney, referring to Pratt’s “lousy driving,” “assaultive” behavior toward an officer and refusal to be cooperative with officers.

Ames Police Chief Dennis Ballantine said he was satisfied with the outcome of the plea bargain. However, he said he was upset the tape wouldn’t be shown because it could have been used to dispute some of the claims made against the Ames Police Department. These, he said, include allegations that the police were “targeting” Pratt and not allowing him to speak with a lawyer.

“The trial would have been a chance for us to air our side of the claims,” Ballantine said.

Ballantine said the reason Pratt wasn’t allowed to call a lawyer sooner was Pratt’s fault, an opinion also held, in writing, by I. John Rossi, administrative law judge at the DOT hearing.

“As soon as he was calm enough to be let out of the holding cell he was allowed his phone call,” Ballantine said.

Police officers deal with individuals behaving similarly almost every day, Ballantine said. He said it is standard practice for officers to wait for an individual to calm down before allowing them to make phone calls. Pratt, who was handcuffed during his time in the holding cell, was detained for more than an hour.

“We’re not particularly upset with Pratt. He’s paying his consequences. I think it’s time to put the whole thing to rest,” Ballantine said.

The following is a partial transcript of Pratt’s exchange with police officers while he was detained.

Pratt: Shit man. I don’t have to do what I don’t fucking want to do. Fuck you. What is this shit? Fuck you pussy-ass bitches. You lying ass ho. You a lying ass ho, too. I know you.

Officer: You want to talk to someone?

Pratt: Why don’t you get me out of here? Take these mother-fucking handcuffs off and put me in the ring with your punk ass then since you so tough; you bitch. Fuck you too! You want some? Fuck you. You know who I am? You know who I am? Fuck you, you blind ass nerd! Yeah, I called you a nerd, bitch.

Officer: That’s big words.

Pratt: Yeah, that’s big words.

Pratt then asks officers to take off his handcuffs and come into the holding cell with him. An officer then says, “Let’s leave him to chill out for a while.” Soon an officer returns.

Officer: We got to book you in (Pratt yelling; shouting match ensues). You can either sit in here all night or we can book you in.

Pratt: You do what you got to do. Get me the fuck out of here. (Garbled, Pratt says something about getting bailed out.) I’m tired of this shit, man. Fuck you all.

Officer: We need your cooperation, man.

Pratt: Fuck you, man. Fuck you. Fuck you all.

Officer: OK, I just want you to cooperate, that’s all. I’m tired of you not cooperating.

Pratt: Cooperate, my ass man. How the fuck you going to cooperate with me? Man, fuck you all, man.

Officer: You’re going to have your day in court.

Pratt: Fuck! I’m going to have my day in court. I know I’m going to have my day in court.

Officer: OK.

Pratt: I’m going to have two or three days in court with ya’ll pussy-ass mother fuckers! Fuck you all. Fuck you.

Officer: But right now…

Pratt: Man, fuck you. Fuck you.

Officer: OK.

Pratt: You take these handcuffs off me, man —

Officer: That’s fine, that’s fine.

Pratt: because I’m not going to be mother-fucking cooperative —

Officer: That’s fine.

Pratt: like you all mother-fucking want me to be.

Officer: That’s fine. You just sit there for a while.

Pratt: You all a pussy-ass mother fucker. You’re a pussy. You let me out, you laugh so mother-fucking much. You take your mother-fucking badge off and your gun off now and see how tough your punk ass is now. What the fuck you try to grab me like I’m a ho? Man, fuck you all man, fuck you all.

Police respond but Pratt shouts over them. Time elapses.

Pratt: Fuck you. Fuck you pussy-ass bitch. I can’t even believe this shit. Tell me I’m drunk. What kind of shit is this, this pussy-ass shit? You think this shit is funny? You gonna come in here and hit me mother-fucking again like you did last time? Come in here and just hit me. You hit me bitch. Come in here and hit me like you just hit me. Trying to act like you know shit.

Officer: We’re going to let you out of here when —

Pratt: Hit me like you just hit me though! You don’t hit me. Who the fuck do I look like to you? Huh? Who the fuck do I look like to you?

Officer: Kenny —

Pratt: Who the fuck do I look like to you? You don’t hit me like that. Man, who the fuck do I look like to you?

Pratt then spits at an officer, hitting the screen of the holding cell’s door window with his spit. Time elapses.

Officer: Is it Ken?

Pratt: Man, fuck. You know my name man. Why don’t you just write the name down. Fuck you.

Officer: We need to know if it’s Ken or Kenneth.

Pratt: You know my name, man. You know my name.

Officer: What is your current address, Ken?

Pratt: I don’t know.

Officer: Well, this is gonna be real fun trying to book you in if you’re not gonna cooperate.

Pratt: Look, you know that, but you know all that shit.

Officer: No I don’t.

Pratt: Why is it like that? Why is it like that?

Officer: I gotta ask you the questions.

Pratt: All right. Go ahead.

Officer: You just wanna refuse to answer everything, OK? Hmm? Is that what your desire is?

Pratt: Can I call my lawyer?

Officer: Yeah, you can call your lawyer —

Pratt: Look man, I’m gonna call my lawyer then before I answer anything. Can I call my lawyer?

Officer: Yeah, we’ll let you outta here but —

Pratt: Let me call my lawyer before I answer anything.

Officer: You gotta answer a couple booking questions before you can —

Pratt: I don’t gotta answer shit. I wanna talk to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. That’s all I wanna do.

Officer: (garbled)

Pratt: Fuck you, fuck you, pussy-ass bitch, trying to sound like I’m drunk. Fuck you all, man can’t even believe this shit, telling me I’m drunk, man. Fuck you all, man. I’m as cold as a mother-fucker in a flip-flop and you trying to tell me I’m drunk. You pussy-ass shit. You old crack-ass bitch. I’m talking to you.

Police left the room, leaving Pratt alone. About 10 minutes later, he slid to the floor. They came back at 9:50 p.m. and moved Pratt to another cell.