New trend in barn raising

Bob Bredice

The popular catch-phrase “raise the roof” takes on new meaning this weekend as The Onion Creek Band and Onion Creek Cloggers of Ames will host a “barn-raising” ho-down Saturday at the Octagon Center for the Arts in downtown Ames.

The band will play music for members of the community, who will be taught famous barn dances like the mountain circle, square and New England contra. The Cloggers also plan to incorporate various waltzes throughout the evening.

Not only are all dancers invited, but musicians of any type are welcome to come and play with the band.

Merlin Pfannkuch, a dancer with the Cloggers, said the group has been around for 20 years and described the dancers as an “old time Appalachian clogging group.”

Pfannkuch said the group hosts community barn dances about every other month, except during the Summer when the group is too busy performing at town celebrations, historical events and private performances.

“Children are welcome at the barn dance,” Pfannkuch said. She added that depending on how many children are present, the first dances will be simpler and easier to learn so the kids can enjoy them more.

Pfannkuch said the Cloggers don’t “perform” at the barn dance and clogging isn’t taught either.

If anyone is interested in clogging, Pfannkuch said it is taught on Sundays at 6 p.m. in Room 205 of Bethesda Lutheran Church. Musicians and dancers are welcome.

The community barn dance will be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Admission is free but the group asks for donations.