Job search made easier

Cori Baumer

Graduating seniors who are searching for a job in Iowa can browse through “Employment Opportunities for the Graduating Class of 1997” for a listing of Iowa employers who expect to have job openings for recent college graduates.

The publication is published by Iowa Workforce Development and the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants and includes information from over 3,000 employers in Iowa.

Beverly Madden, director of Career Planning and Placement Services at Iowa State, said the directory is “a marvelous thing.”

She said employers were surveyed about their anticipated hiring of college graduates.

This is the fifth year the publication has been released, and, Madden said, it proves there is a good job market in Iowa.”Students get a real picture of the opportunities,” Madden said.

The “Employment Opportunities for the Graduating Class of 1997” provides information on employers such as the number of job openings, contacts for submission of resumes, type of work performed and the total number of employees.

It also lists employers alphabetically by their geographical locations and business types.

The directory also gives a forecast for college careers in Iowa for 1994 to 2005. The directory states the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects “over 75 percent of the college graduates entering the labor force can expect to find college-level jobs.”

According to the directory, jobs in every industry can be found in Iowa, but service areas, such as health services and business services, have the largest number of college level jobs.

Madden said the publication is available in many locations on campus. Copies are available at all college career services offices, Minority Student Affairs’ office, all college minority liaison coordinators, the provost’s office, the Student Activity Center, the Student Employment Center, Osborn Cottage and Carrie Chapman Catt Hall.

It can also be accessed on the Internet on the web page at Or it can also be reached from Iowa State’s main homepage by selecting “Student Services” from the main menu.