Movies 12 goes up for approval

Tracy Griffin

The movie selections in Ames may be expanded if a plan for a new theater complex is approved.

The plan to allow construction for theaters and a building for retail space north of the Ames Kmart is up for approval at tonight’s Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

The proposed theater, Movies 12, is owned by Cinemark U.S.A.

Ray Anderson, of Ames Department of Housing and Planning, said the city staff has recommended to the commission that the proposal be approved. If the plan is passed by the commission, it will go to the City Council for approval.

Anderson said as far as he knows there is no opposition to the plan.

Three new buildings are proposed. Besides the movie theater complex, a new office supply store, Staples, and a retail building are being proposed.

The plan calls for a 37,777 square-foot building to house 12 theaters. It also provides a parking lot east of Kmart along South 16th Street and Buckeye Avenue in front of the new businesses’ buildings.

If the theater is approved, it will offer 12 new movies to pick from each week. Some students say that’s good, while other say it isn’t needed.

Ryan Marcus, a freshman in agriculture business, said, “I don’t think we really need a 12-theater movie complex. I can always find one I want to watch here.”

Carrie Walsh, a junior in education, said she thinks a new theater complex would be a good idea.

“I think if there were more movies in Ames less people would go to Des Moines,” Walsh said.

There are now theaters located in Campustown, North Grand Mall and on South Duff Avenue.