Personal support

Teresa Green

In response to the swarm of exaggerated rumors surrounding the suspension of Dr. Michael Simonson and in reaction to the publication of allegations that are as yet unsubstantiated in the ongoing investigation, I feel it only fair that equivalent newspaper coverage be allotted for personal testament in support of him. My intent is not to determine the guilt or innocence of Dr. Simonson. That is the role of our judicial system, and I have complete faith that the process will be a fair one.

I provide an honest perspective of Dr. Simonson based on my experiences with him in educational as well as social settings. Dr. Simonson is my major professor.

I chose him for this role because I knew he would be honest, forthright and accessible. He has not let me down. I have spent numerous occasions with him discussing my goals, exploring various avenues of research and learning the research process.

If I find Mike Simonson guilty of anything, it is the “crime” of being totally dedicated to his profession, this university, and the future endeavors of the graduate students who look to him for guidance. What a wonderful world it would be if we were all found guilty of the same.

Teresa Green

Graduate Student

Curriculum and Instructional Technology