Finalists named for CFCS dean

Daily Staff Writer

Three finalists have been named in the search for a new dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.

The finalists are: Shirley L. Baugher, professor and chairwoman of family and consumer sciences from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln; Maurice MacDonald, professor and chairman of human development and family studies from Iowa State; and Carol B. Meeks, professor and department chairwoman of housing and consumer economics for the University of Georgia in Athens.

The new dean will succeed Beverly Crabtree, who will step down from her position June 30.

Each finalist will visit Iowa State in the coming weeks to interview and meet with various university groups.

Each candidate will also meet with members of the university community and the public during an open forum.

Meeks will speak Thursday, April 17 in the Pioneer Room. MacDonald will speak Monday, April 21 in the Gold Room. And Baugher will speak Thursday, April 24 in the Gold Room.

Shirley L. Baugher has been a professor and chairwoman of the department of family and consumer sciences at the University of Nebraska since 1992. She served as a deputy administrator for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service, and also worked at the University of Minnesota.

Maurice MacDonald has been a professor and chairman of human development and family studies at ISU for two years. He worked at the University of Wisconsin and served as a visiting research associate at many colleges throughout the country.

Carol Meeks has been department chairwoman of housing and consumer economics at the University of Georgia since 1992. She worked at Cornell University and the University of Massachusetts.