How much is your sex worth?

Jason D. L. Bowles

Last week a friend of mine sent a letter to the Daily regarding the sexual climate and his feeling about it. Brian’s letter was by NO means graciously accepted. The main basis for the replies’ dismissal of Brian’s points seems to be the fact that he takes the general Christian view of the proceedings.

I hope that you won’t stop reading this when I tell you that I, too, am a Christian. I won’t, however, discourse on this aspect of the argument for/against sex. My point, I feel, is firmly grounded in the reality that everything has a price, and incidentally, a worth.

How much is YOUR sex worth?

For me, the sex act of making love is the highest possible merging of two beings, regardless of whether they are homo- or hetero-sexual. In this act, two souls merge to become one. Since this is worth so much to me, I don’t want to waste it on anyone who isn’t worth it OR on someone who couldn’t appreciate what it’s worth to me. To wit: I AM still a virgin at age 23.

Like Mr. Cook (letter to the editor, April 3) I am near my sexual peak. This being Ames, Iowa, any person who wants “a piece” needs only go to one of the many local bars and hangouts. Anybody who desires to “get laid” should have no trouble finding a suitable recipient. I desire neither of these. What I want is someone to love me and to be my best friend. Luckily, I found her. And, in case you’re wondering, you don’t have to have sex to be intimate with your partner.

I’m just as subject to my urges as the next person, but if the cost of getting loaded and satisfying my urges is that I cheapen this wonderful gift for the woman I end up spending the rest of my life with, that cost is far too high.

My sex is worth a great deal. How much is yours worth?

Jason D. L. Bowles


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