Veishea sucks

Jason Schoellen

A Yellow Flower and memories. That is all that remains of Harold Sellers killed during Veishea weekend.

Veishea is supposed to be a celebration of the university and the students; a time to bring us all together and realize we are all “in this” together. Sadly, Harold became a victim of the disturbed state that Veishea has evolved into.

For many people, Veishea weekend coincides with a call for mass-wasting (the good ol’ I’m-drunker-than-thou) and tearing up the town.

It’s irresponsibility that takes what is supposed to be the best weekend of the year and makes it into one of the worst. Take a gander at the police blotter and you’ll see why. If this is supposed to be a time for celebrating each other then why is there so much tearing down of each other? I personally witnessed fight after fight, siren after siren, broken heart after broken heart. So much for a celebration.

Granted, there are 75,000 people in attendance. You can bet people will drink. But I have no beef against people who can drink and celebrate responsibly. To some people, drinking offers a sense of “escape” from their responsibilities, but when they’re not responsible in the first place, things go wrong.

It’s these people who go beyond being responsible and end up lashing out at their surroundings. It’s these people who hurt. It’s these people who destroy. It’s these people that have become the poison that has killed the TRUE sense of Veishea.

Jason Schoellen


Journalism and Mass Communication