A bridge to sell

Ryan Bergman

A lot of people have written in the past few days crying for the government to get off their backs and stop giving them free internet access!

People wanting their free accounts have been called “Marxist,” “oppressive” and even advocates of slavery. Well lets just think about the Internet for a moment.

For one, why was the Internet created? For two things, the military and education! Why was ICN created? For Iowa universities, so we could stay COMPETITIVE with other universities. I have a RIGHT to an education it is NOT a privilege, and in today’s technological world part of that education (a big part) is being able to fully Integrate the internet into your daily life. Without universities there would not even be a Internet.

No, the Internet is not some ethereal thing out in space, most of the backbone and main superstructure of the internet is on public universities and military installations. The ISU servers are on campus, and the hub that controls access to other servers around the world is in the Stark Armory, Camp Dodge (US Army) and the fiber-optic lines that connect them were built by the state of Iowa. AT&T didn’t build it, their doing the least to maintain it, why on earth should I pay them for it?

Second, my access is not free, the last time I looked I pay a substantial amount of money to attend this university and use its services. I also pay taxes in the state of Iowa and to the federal government. There is also a specific “computer fee” I pay every year. I certainly don’t need to pay an additional 20 bucks a month for a service that is working just fine as it is.

Third, where do the computer and communications companies get off asking ISU for anything more? Do you know how much government subsidized research technology goes on at this school!?

If corporate America wants a level playing field then they can fund their own research! Why is it that my taxes and tuition paying for my Internet access is unfair but those same funds going to IBM-ISU research grants is OK? So IBM’s profits are more important than my education?

So you want to call me a Marxist, fine. Hi I’m a Marxist. But at least I’m not a hypocritical moron who wants to pay someone for a service he already payed for once. By the way … I have this bridge.

Ryan Bergman


Community and Regional
