A wonderful article

Jason D. Miller

Emily [McNiel],

I usually don’t give much thought to many of the articles in the Daily. I usually read them and just continue on with my life. But after reading this article I wanted to congratulate you on a wonderful article, (“Family and friends say goodbye,” Apr. 28). You truly represent Iowa State the way it should seen in the wake of this tragedy.

It has been about five years since a friend of mine from high school died a tragic death similar to Uri’s. The scene you describe is so similar to the one I remember. I only wish you would have been there to write a similar tribute for my friend.

I hope the Sellers family can put the memory of Uri’s death behind them and remember the better times. I also hope the people who committed this crime are brought to justice. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Jason D. Miller


Mechanical Engineering