Daily shouldn’t assume anything

Joshua A. Kass

This regards the letter published Friday about putting a disclaimer in the Op-Ed section of the Daily. I believe that the point Mr. Nuckolls made in his letter was disregarded by the Daily (see ‘By way of a disclaimer’ ). What was addressed was the failure of the Daily to add a disclaimer to the Op-Ed section. Most major media sources incorporate disclaimers to areas of their productions that may not reflect the express views of their staffs. Why are the future journalists our paper is turning out allowing others to speak for them by way of default?

The Editor’s note of response was entirely unrelated to the observation made. It is obvious to the reader that Mr. Nuckolls is not advocating the abridgement of free speech, or the press, but is raising the awareness of the absence of such a disclaimer as that mentioned above and the ‘hostilities’ directed toward people of a particular religious affiliation. I find it hard to believe that all opinions voiced in the Op-Ed are mutually held by the Iowa State Daily Publication Board. This brings to mind the words of President Garfield, “The chief danger which threatens the influence and honor of the press is the tendency of its liberty to degenerate into license.” Let it again be said, “The staff of the Daily shouldn’t assume anything.”

Joshua A. Kass


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