Radio station asks listeners for help with fund-raiser

Gretchen Cleland

WOI Radio will begin asking listeners for support Friday at 6 a.m. as it kicks off its second fund-raiser of the year.

The public radio station holds two fund-raisers each year, once in October and again in April. Carol Lamb, membership director of WOI, said the station brought in over $200,000 during the October fund-raiser and they are hoping to do that well or better this time.

The fund-raising drive will last for eight days, ending on April 11 at 6 p.m. Throughout the drive, listeners will be offered incentives to pledge their money to the station.

“We are going to be offering antique airplane rides, theater tickets and dinners for two as incentives for people to donate,” Lamb said.

During the fund-raiser, the station will keep its original programming with the exception of some special programming on the weekends.

Don Wirth, interim general manager of the station, said WOI will have extended programming on some of its more popular programs during the weekend.

“We will be starting some new programs later in the week that happen to coincide with the drive, but they are not being introduced specially for the drive,” Wirth said.

He said throughout the year, fund raising represents about 40 percent of WOI’s annual budget. The money donated during the fund-raiser is used for general operating expenses, such as programming, equipment and staff salaries.

Of the two fund drives, Wirth said each accounts for one-third of the station’s total membership. “The other one-third comes from mail-in renewals from members,” Wirth said.

There is no minimum pledge; the station will take whatever its listeners would like to offer, Lamb said. However, for a $35 pledge, listeners become members of WOI and will receive four issues of Rhythm and News magazine each year and invitations to special events, Lamb said.

Wirth said the station looks at this “as an important time involving a lot of work and stress, but also an enjoyable time.”