Assistantship available

Daily Staff Writer

Applications are available to work with the university Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Program.

The assistantship allows undergraduates to gain research experience in areas that interest them.

To qualify to participate in the program, students must be classified as juniors or seniors by Fall 1997, must have demonstrated outstanding academic ability and must have financial need.

Qualified students were sent letters about the assistantship in early April.

Students participating in the program are expected to work 1-12 hours per week for 32 weeks while classes are in session.

First year assistantship participants will be paid $7.50 per hour, and students renewing previous assistantships will receive $7.75 per hour.

Faculty sponsors of student research assistantship recipients pay for 30 percent of the assistantship, and the other 70 percent will be funded by the College Work Study Program.

Faculty members interested in participating in the program should turn in a completed application form by April 11 and return it to Room 11 Beardshear Hall.

Faculty application forms are available in the FCS Research Institute located in Room 126 in MacKay Hall or in the ISU Financial Aid Office in Room 11 Beardshear Hall.

It is important to indicate student-faculty matches on both the student and faculty applications to significantly increase the probability of being awarded an assistantship.