ISU is for education
April 16, 1997
As I look back at my four years of college I realized some things. Society has changed and so have I, though I feel neither has changed for the better. Diversity has had the most prominent effect upon; in particular diversity and Iowa State. It has taken four years and various racial and religious debates to enlighten my daily thought. I think people have forgotten many intricate details in their efforts of forward progress. The first of these being is the sole reason people have come to this university. I came here to get a degree and advance my education to better my opportunities for the future job world. It seems as though students of late have come to rally, bitch and argue rather than work on their education, due to worrying about educating everyone else.
There should be no debate about quality of education in diversity or educational because a student can always leave this fine university. Students calling for diversity classes, changing names of buildings, calling the university racist in its recruiting are pleas of a scared individual. I say scared because those people are afraid to work and be accepted on a basis of merit, so they call for legislation to back them even in cases that do not warrant it. Those laws they work to enforce and gain often work in a reverse discriminatory manner therefore continuing the cycle of racism and such. Being a minority myself, I am disgusted. My minority is not of color, but religion. I am Jewish. We are a very quiet minority here at ISU despite being discriminated against.
I know I have been discriminated against because my holidays generally go unnoticed, as do the struggles of fellow Jews in various areas of the world. Though I am quiet because I am proud and confident of whom I am and what I stand for. I believe that Jews are the most discriminated group in the world though you may never hear of it. No rallies are held, talks with Jischke or even petitions to Wal-mart to stock my holiday items. The answer to diversity is as easy or as hard as one culture may make it to be. For my fellow Jews we have found peace within our memories of our struggles and survival and we are able to forgive and move on with our lives. Unfortunately most students here are not.
Minorities, I have this to say about changing ISU for each and everyone of you: History allows us the ability to remember and work for change. It should not be used as a crutch nor should it be used against great people of past times. Historical figures whether racist or not have earned their way into the books that we read. It is high time students realized the past cannot be changed by doing it now, unfortunately it cannot be done. It is our duty as students enrolled in advanced education to gain experience and knowledge and use it to bring about a new future. Whether your cause is personal or working for the group as a whole, your cause should stand for the future not for changing or erasing the past. We study history to remember and if we are strong enough we forgive, but we never forget. Education is what ISU is about and the world nor the university will change in a day.
Jason Bernstein