Despite loss, ISU went out on a good note


Well, the basketball season is over for the Cyclones.

And what a game to go out in. Without a doubt, it was the best game I have ever watched the Cyclones play. It was an awesome performance on the court.

I had a difficult time trying to decide what to write for today. Of course, writing about last Thursday’s game seemed appropriate. But I didn’t know how to go about it.

To start off, I will make it clear that I do not like UCLA (That is a bit of an understatement). They sure didn’t exude any gracefulness in their form.

Kenny Pratt got elbowed, which sent him to the bench a bit dazed. Jacy Holloway got plowed over by Cameron Dollar in UCLA’s game winning shot. Holloway gets knocked over again as Klay Edwards tries to inbound the ball. And to top it all off, UCLA’s coach is a moron. (Personal opinion interjected.)

But where were the refs in all of this? Out to lunch? In a different time zone? Another planet?

They sure did seem to favor UCLA. For example, take the five seconds call. This call will go down in infamy.

The ref blows the whistle. Since no one thinks the five seconds have expired, it must have been a charge against UCLA for knocking down Holloway.

An opportunity for Iowa State to shoot two from the foul line. But no, UCLA gets the ball, Las Vegas bookies get their way, and Iowa State gets on the plane for home.

No, I am not bitter. Not me. No sir. Just your typical disgruntled fan. Bad things happen to good people all the time.

And some times, good things happen to bad people, as in the case of UCLA.

Friday night unveiled another shocker. Making matters worse for the Big 12, Kansas lost. I am not a Kansas fan. It’s because of that LaFrentz guy — he should have looked into universities closer to home.

It is also because Kansas has had such a good record. It is hard not to envy them.

But I would have enjoyed watching Kansas kick the living crap out of UCLA (I’m starting to sound like Calek).

But the news that delivered me out of my depression brought on by the UCLA loss came Saturday, as Minnesota beat UCLA, 80-72. I can live with that. In fact, I make the bold prediction that Minnesota will take it all this year. No special reason why.

Looking back on the tournament, this has been a strange year, to say the least. I didn’t get in on a pool, and I am sure glad I didn’t. This year’s seeding of teams was a tough call. Who would have thought that Chattanooga would get as far as they did.

But enough complaining out of me. The Cyclones had a great season. They gave it their all and then some. For sure the five seniors will be missed.

But I have faith in Floyd in bringing back another strong team next year, with what is rumored to be a top-ranked recruiting class.

With the end of the season, my only worry is that there is nothing to write about for the rest of the semester. Maybe a few words next week on the rigors of the SPORT, golf.

RORYFLAHERTY is a junior in construction engineering from LeMars, Iowa.