Computer stolen over spring break

Daily Staff Writer

Sometime during the last weekend of spring break, a computer purchased by the Student Union Board was stolen from the computer room in the East Office Space of the Memorial Union.

Lisa Kratz, manager of programs for SUB, said the central processing unit was taken, but the keyboard and monitor were left behind.

The case has been turned over to the Department of Public Safety. There are no leads on who stole the computer, DPS officials said.

The current system for security in the computer room has come into question.

Presently, access to the computer room is obtained by using a check-out system to any of the student groups that use the office space.

The receptionist at the front desk just inside the entrance of the East Office Space has a list of people who are allowed access to the computer room and checks out a key to those on the list who wish to use the room.

Kratz said no one can get in the office space without checking out a key, and the computer room was locked throughout the break.

SUB is currently discussing a more effective system for security.