Siding with Wal-Mart

Adam Frederick

After reading one of the articles in today’ s Daily (Mar. 24) about protesting Wal-Mart for not carrying African-American hygiene products, I felt that I needed to write and make my opinion known. I will probably be called racist and that I don’t truly understand the problem. I am not racist, but you might be right that I don’t fully understand the problem because I am white and a male. I do sympathize that you can’t find what you want. I am sure that it can be frustrating. I must say, though, that I side with Wal-Mart.

It was stated in the article that, “They wonder why the nation’s largest department store is not catering to their needs.” Well let me tell you something. Wal-Mart is not here to cater to anyone but itself.

The reason that they try to appear to cater to people’s needs is that it is profitable for them. If it is not profitable for the store, then they aren’t going to stock an item. I feel that in a free market, as ours is, a store should not be protested for not carrying a product. In my opinion, this is not a question of racial discrimination but rather a question of how much profit can be made.

Adam Frederick

