Daily Staff Writer

Feb. 28

* Officer stopped a vehicle in the 200 block of North Hyland for speeding. The driver of the vehicle, Julie M. Wolterman, 1208 Scott Ave., had a strong odor of alcohol about her person. Officer administered field sobriety tests to Wolterman, which she failed. Officer arrested her for OWI, transported her to DPS office for processing, and then took her to the Ames City Jail.

* Officer stopped a vehicle for speeding at Lincoln Way and Hickory. The driver of the vehicle, Megan Marie Sexton, 117 Franklin #1, Cedar Falls, had a strong odor of alcohol about her person. Officer administered field sobriety tests to Sexton, which she failed. Sexton was placed under arrest for OWI, transported to DPS office for processing, and then transported to Ames City Jail.

* Michael David Aasem, 4243 Knapp Hall, reported that someone had vandalized his door. Upon arrival, officer found the lock to the room had been glued. Aasem said he needed to get into his room, so he kicked his door in, causing damage to the door. After several failed attempts to contact the RA or hall director, officer finally contacted general services. Officer explained the situation, and agreed to make a temporary fix on the lock, and will notify the carpenter for Knapp Hall.

* Officer stopped a vehicle in Lot 69 for no tail lights. After running a routine driver’s license check, it was found the driver, Dashaun Tremaine Carter, 1302 Harding Ave., was driving under suspension. Officer placed Carter under arrest for driving under suspension, transported him to the DPS office, where he was cited for driving under suspension, and issued an equipment repair order for the tail lights, then released.

* Kokchuan Chong, 2209 Friley Hall, reported his wallet was taken from the third level of the Lied Rec Center. Officer checked the building, but was unable to locate the wallet. Estimated loss is $15.

March 1

*Officer stopped a vehicle at Lincoln Way and Beach, for striking the center median. When officer approached the driver, Chandler Dale Johnson, 427 M Ave., Nevada, he could smell a strong odor of alcohol about Johnson’s person. Officer administered field sobriety tests to Johnson, which he failed. Johnson was placed under arrest for OWI, transported to DPS office for processing, and then transported to the Story County Jail.

* Officer stopped a vehicle at Pammel Dr. and Wallace Rd., for driving without headlights on. When officer approached the driver, Francis Selletso Matheatau, 208 S. Hyland #10, he could smell a strong odor of alcohol about Matheatau’s person. Officer administered field sobriety tests to Matheatau, which he failed. Matheatau was placed under arrest for OWI, brought to DPS office for processing, then transported to the Ames City Jail.

* Matthew W. Ferguson, 3682 Helser Hall, reported while his vehicle was parked in Lot 60, someone broke off the driver’s side mirror. Estimated damage is $95.

March 2

* RCA reported a suspicious odor on the 7th floor in Larch Hall. Upon officers arrival, the residents of Room 7310, Anthony J. Smith, and Matthew J. Sweeney, let officers into their room. Officers observed several open containers of beer and six full cans of beer in the room. Both males are under the legal age. Officers cited and released both males.

* The 6th floor RA, in Larch Hall, reported there was a keg in Room 6334 Larch Hall. Upon officer’s arrival, two males were leaving the room. Officer knocked on the door, and the resident of the room, Christopher Kielsmier, answered the door. Officer noticed another male in the room, with a beer can in his hand, and asked him for his ID. He was 21. Officer advised Kielsmier, that he was in violation of dorm policy, having a keg in his room. Officer seized the keg.

March 3

* Joel Congdon, DPS Student Reserve Officer, reported finding writing on the wall, in the southeast stairwell, between 2nd and 3rd floors, in State Gym. This was the same type of writing found in the elevator in the Durham Center last week.

* Michael R. Schaffer, 525 University St., W. Lafayette, Indiana, reported to DPS via fax, that his wallet was stolen while he was participating in a basketball tournament in Beyer Hall. He said $280 was drawn from an ATM machine, using his ATM card. Estimated loss is $320.

* Officer Parking division, reported finding a vehicle in Lot 29/29A with a stolen parking permit hanging in the vehicle. The vehicle was towed to Bud’s Service Center. The owner of the vehicle, Brian R. Schwager, 2100 63rd St., Des Moines, said his sister found the permit in Lot 29, and had given it to him to use. The permit belongs to Edward Sheridan, 2617 N. 16th Ave., Ft. Dodge.

* Alissara Reungsang, 50B Schilletter Village, reported she had left her shoes sitting outside of the doorway to her residence. When she went to get them, they were gone. Estimated loss is $50.

* Kelly S. Nachman, 515 S. 4th #27, reported while she was waiting to talk to an adviser in Catt Hall, someone took her wallet out of her coat pocket. Estimated loss is $1,020.

* Jeremy D. Howe, 8301 Larch Hall, reported he had received a threatening message, on his answering machine, pertaining to his girlfriend.