High-tech job hunting

Danae Heaberlin

Students looking for a job or an internship can tap into a computer on campus today with JobDirect recruiting service.

Outfitted with 15 laptops and other high-tech equipment, students will be able to learn first-hand how to register with the service. There are approximately 16,000 student users at this time.

The company matches employers’ entry-level job or internship openings with students’ resumes on-line.

“This is the only service that takes resumes and puts them on the market and searches for a match 24 hours per day,” said Tom Godfrey, a campus marketing manager with JobDirect.

When a search finds a job or an internship opening that matches a resume, an e-mail will be sent to both the employer and the person whose resume was matched on the database.

Godfrey said this is a very unique opportunity because there is no fee involved for students. The company receives revenue from employers who register with the service. The company started in 1995, and since then there have been two job drives at over 300 universities across the nation to help get students on the database.

Anyone interested in finding an internship, full time or part time, or volunteer experience is encouraged to register.

“It doesn’t matter if you are a freshman or a senior. All ages are welcome,” said Rachel Bell, co-founder and co-CEO.

JobDirect speaks with hundreds of companies, including several Fortune 500 and Inc. 500 companies. Some employers already using the service are Hewlett Packard, Price Waterhouse, Taco Bell, The Peace Corps and Teach for America.

Weather-permitting, the JobDirect bus will be outside the Memorial Union from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today. The company will have a location set up inside the Memorial Union if the weather does not cooperate.

Students unable to attend today’s event can use JobDirect at www.jobdirect.com.