Got to give

Editorial Board

Blood is the life of our bodies. This week, students have a chance to share this life with others by donating one pint of blood at the annual Spring Blood Drive.

It’s really simple, only takes about 10 minutes, and most importantly, the needle is not going to kill you.

At Iowa State, about 18,000 students — 75 percent of the student body — is eligible to give blood.

Donors must be at least 18-years-old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health.

One of the best parts about donating is you get to pump the blood yourself at your own pace as you see the the blood bag get filled.

The blood donations will be distributed at hospitals in Omaha, Waterloo, Ames, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines.

Iowa State’s humanitarian effort through this blood drive can save thousands of lives.

The goal, officials say, is to get 2,350 donors this time.

That is 2,350 pints of blood and 2,350 lives that can be saved.

Each pint of blood counts for every human being, so go out, be brave and give some blood. You’ll be glad you did it in the end.

And the best part: you get a sticker, free cookies and juice after it’s all over.