Wet, wild and ready to win

Bob Bredice

After a successful tournament at Iowa State last semester, the ISU Water Polo Club will host another tournament on April 11-13 at the Beyer Hall pool.

Adam Swietek, club president and a senior in graphic design, said seven other teams will compete in the tournament, including many Division I opponents such as Northern Illinois and Wisconsin.

He said the club often plays teams such as Kansas, Northern Illinois, Western Illinois, the University of Wisconsin and the Des Moines Water Polo Club.

Swietek said there is free admission to the tournament and a large crowd would be a welcome sight.

He also said fans are sure to see an exciting match and have a good time.

The tournament the club held last semester was a big success, he said, and all the participating teams and spectators had a good time.

For those interested in doing more than just watching, Swietek said it is still not too late to join the club and play in the tournament.

Swietek said, “We welcome new members all the time.”

He also said experience is not necessary to join. Dues for the club are $15 a semester, which covers everything including travel expenses.

He said the club practices Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. at Beyer Hall pool.

Unlike other sports teams, Swietek said the polo club tries to get everybody involved. “Most sports teams don’t let everybody travel. But we are pretty accommodating and try to let everybody travel [and play],” he said.

Water polo is a good way to get in shape according to Swietek, “It’s a good workout, but is gets easier as you go along.”

The club now has about 20 members.