No global warming? Buy a clue

Joe Leonard

Scientists say there will be floods again this year. Their computer models predict that with all the snow this winter the earth will be saturated and the spring rains are not going to have anywhere to go but into our streets and houses. Although the models are probably wrong, let’s entertain the thought for a minute.

Will we ever learn? The worst weather in recorded history has occurred around the globe since the industrial revolution, and we are still arguing about whether there is global warming. Nature is firing clues at us all the time, if anyone is paying attention.

It reminds me of a joke I once heard.

A woman is trapped in her house during a flood. As the waters begin to rise, a pick-up pulls up to her house and the driver says, “Hop in and I’ll drive you to higher ground.” The woman replies, “No thanks, God will save me.”

The waters continue to rise and the woman is forced up to the second floor. Then a motor boat comes up to the second floor window and the driver says, “Get in. I’m heading for higher ground.” As you might expect, the woman again replies, “No thanks, God will save me.”

Well, the flood gets even worse and soon the woman is forced out onto her roof, as the rest of the house is covered in water. A rescue helicopter flies down and a paramedic yells, “Climb up the ladder and we will fly you to higher ground.” Again, the woman responds, “No thanks, God will save me.”

The helicopter flies off and it is not long before the woman drowns. Upon entering heaven she is furious at God. She says, “God, why did you let me drown? I thought you would save me.” To which God responds, “For crying out loud, lady! Who do you think sent the pick-up, the motorboat and the helicopter?”

Do people expect scientists to bring them a cut and dry answer? All the clues are right in front of our eyes. Record floods, seasonal ozone holes and tornadoes in mass quantity. What more do we need?

It’s like a bad Star Trek episode about a condemned planet.

Climate change is a subtle process. In geological time humans are rapidly poisoning the earth, but in sound-bite time it’s difficult even to notice a change. It happens so slowly that most people don’t notice it before being sidetracked by the next episode of the “X Files.”

Some people really are blind (mostly the geriatric, corporate windbags who claim to govern). But I think most average, taxpaying Joes are on the ball. I remember when trailer parks were the only target of tornadoes, when people made fun of anyone moronic enough to live near the San Andreas fault and liquor store owners thought your word was proof enough of your age. Those were the days.