Prevent the perpetuation of myths

Julie Wooden

I am writing to request that a correction be made in the Daily in reference to a glaring error made in Friday’s article about Katie Koestner’s speech. It states, “She said she couldn’t scream because of a bruise inside her mouth.”

When in fact, Katie said that she STILL has a scar in her mouth that she got during the rape from biting down so hard on her cheek so as not to scream.

I believe it is very important to have accurate articles, particularly in speeches of this nature. This is a critical correction to make because of the myths surrounding date rape — especially that rapes would stop or be prevented if the woman would just scream.

Katie was invited to Iowa State by the Take Back the Night Committee. I would like to remind the ISU and Ames community about the upcoming Take Back the Night Rally and March on Wednesday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m. on central campus. TBTN is an important means of public education to raise awareness about the prevalence of violence against women and to prevent the perpetuation of these myths. We encourage everyone to attend.

Julie Wooden

Graduate Student

Interdisciplinary Graduate


Co-Chair, Take Back the Night Committee