Daily Staff Writer

Survival aids for break

The Iowa State Student Health Center, along with the Student Health Advisory Committee, will distribute 1,000 Spring Break survival packets that contain items such as condoms, Band-Aids, sunscreen and Tylenol. The packets will be available near the M-Shop entrance of the Memorial Union from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on March 3-5.

Museum will be closed

The Iowa State Farmhouse Museum will be closed from March 9 to March 14. The Farmhouse will reopen on March 16 with regular hours. Hours are Monday through Friday, noon to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. Admission is free to the public. Prearranged tours for parties of 15 or more should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.

ICES needs representative

The International Cultural Exchanges Services (ICES) is looking for an Ames/Story County representative that will help make the community aware of student exchange. ICES is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a “more peaceful world by increasing international awareness and understanding among the peoples of the world through experience in cultural sharing.” The representative will receive monetary remuneration and other benefits. If interested call the national recruiter Linda Daughery at 1-800-981-6801.