GSB Agenda

Iowa State Daily

The Government of the Student Body will discuss the following bills tonight at 7 in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union:

Seating Bills

*A bill to seat the IntraFraternity Council Senator. By Wall, Powell and others.

Old Business

*A bill asking to support the Big 12 Student Alliance. By Obrecht and Hamilton.

*A bill asking to protect the needs of the students. By Hansen and Pogge.

*A bill calling for GSB to fulfill its responsibilities to students. By Hansen and Pogge.

New Business

*A bill to allocate funding to equip student legal services. By Morris, Dummermuth and others.

*A bill asking to make learning Robert’s Rules of Order fun and easy. By Flaherty.

*A bill to approve the 1997-98 Regular Allocations for “New Friends.” By Hamilton, Morris and Nimmer.

*A bill to approve the 1997-98 Regular Allocations for “Old Friends.” By Hamilton, Morris and others.

* A bill to approve the 1997-98 Zero-Funded Groups (Acquaintances). By Hamilton, Morris and Nimmer.

*A bill to allocate funding to KURE, (the Cure for KURE Part II). By Morris, Pogge and others.


*A draft of the GSB Constitution will be presented by Jamey Hansen, vice chairman.

*The budget for the 1997-98 allocations will be presented.