Date rape survivor on campus today

Shuva Rahim

A date rape survivor who received national attention in 1991 will be making various appearances on campus today.

Katie Koestner, now 24, was raped during her third weekend as a freshman at the College of William and Mary, said Julie Wooden, office coordinator of the YWCA and a co-chairwoman of the Committee Against Violence.

Koestner’s story first grabbed the nation’s attention when she was featured on the cover of an issue of Time magazine for a rape story.

In the story, Time said Koestner was dating a fellow student for a couple of weeks when she was raped in her dorm room by him after dinner one night.

Lynette Hornung, sexual awareness coordinator at the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center and co-chairwoman of the Committee Against Violence, said she thinks Koestner’s story received national publicity because “there were some problems when she tried to report it to the administration.”

Koestner is now a sexual assault awareness and prevention advocate.

Koestner’s speech tonight, called “No-Yes,” will be presented at 8 p.m. in the South Ballroom of the Memorial Union.

Hornung said date rape awareness is especially important for college freshmen. “The major reason freshmen women drop out of college is because of rape or attempted rape,” she said.

In addition to her 8 p.m. speech, Koestner is scheduled to make a presentation at 2 p.m. on the main floor of Maple Hall where an HBO movie that features her, No Visible Bruises: The Katie Koestner Story, will be shown. Koestner will talk after the movie about the portrayal of rape in the media, the definition of consent and individual responsibility when using alcohol.

Koestner will meet with men at about 10 p.m. in the Lindstrom Den in Birch-Welch-Roberts. Her discussion there will focus on male roles in curbing sexual assault.

Koestner’s presentations today will help kick off the Take Back the Night rally, scheduled for April 16.