What do you think the university should do with Morrill Hall?

Stephanie Murphy

Heather Kuhl


Animal science

“I think they should use the money to restore it into classroom space or a museum. Because if it’s a historical building, they shouldn’t tear it down and spend money on buildings that haven’t been there as long. People can learn from the architecture of the building and some might be curious to see what buildings at ISU looked like when ISU first opened.”

Ali Suhardiman


Computer engineering

“I think they should tear it down and build a new one. It could be more useful if it was a modern building. They could use it for classes or as a computer lab. They could also make it into a cafeteria or a bunch of restaurants.”

Shahzad Afzal

Graduate student

Business administration

“I would not like it to be torn down. It’s an old monument on campus and should be maintained into an office or maybe a museum with old pictures of the Iowa State campus — how it looked a hundred years before. They could show all the different eras of Iowa State and show the different development stages of the old campus to our modern one.”

Elayna Nelson-Peterson

Graduate student


“I don’t know the conditions of Morrill Hall, but I like the look of the older buildings; they have more character than the new buildings. Based on that, I would like them to remodel it versus tearing it down. It could be used. I would think they could hold classes there or have offices.”

Michelle Bowen


Animal ecology

“I would restore it and then keep it. Maybe make it a museum which talks about the university — what it was like when it first started. Maybe they could relocate funds from somewhere else to do this.

“People regret it when they tear down buildings. People appreciate and respect old architecture … it’s our history. It’s our heritage.”

Dave Evans


Civil engineering

“It could be some kind of museum. I don’t think they should tear it down. Do they need a place to store some of the books from Parks Library? They could use Morrill Hall for that.”