Where’s KURE?

Steve 'Dj Flash' Juon

From the Thursday, March 27 Iowa State Daily: “From 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. on both nights, a disc jockey from Star 102.5 will play music for the crowd,” Dohrmann said.

Whose idea was it to have Star 102.5 represent the party-goers and frolicking students of Iowa State University and their guests? Where’s KURE? Many people may be under the impression there’s no love lost between KURE and I, but even if that were that the case, I’d still rather be represented by student-run and operated radio at an event like VEISHEA. Students know best what students like and listen to; Star 102.5 knows what advertisers like. They play a commercially-oriented, non-offensive, and downright BLAND mix of music to keep their sponsors and drive-time listeners happy. You’d never hear Nine Inch Nails “Closer” or Notorious B.I.G.’s “Hypnotize” on a station like Star 102.5. Frankly, I’d encourage the student radio station to have their OWN street dance and see which one is better attended. I’d put money on KURE.

Steve ‘DJ Flash’ Juon


Pre-Journalism and Mass
