Greek Week winners announced

Tracy Griffin

It was a close race for the overall winner of Greek Week 1997, but the team of Pi Beta Phi, FarmHouse and Sigma Phi Epsilon won the title.

The awards ceremony for Greek Week was held Thursday night at the Delta Zeta triangle.

The team of Kappa Delta, Delta Sigma Phi and Tau Kappa Epsilon came in a very close second. Delta Zeta, Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Kappa Psi placed third.

Andrea Grosvenor and Neil Koenck, co-chairs for Kappa Delta’s team, said they were pleased with their effort.

“We were a little disappointed in the outcome just because of the outstanding effort that everyone put forth,” Koenck said.

Grosvenor said, “I think Greek Week is a great opportunity to get the greek system involved in the community. We’re trying to give something back.”

More than $12,000 was raised by the Greek Week teams for local charities, and 15,000 soup labels will be donated to Ames schools. The schools can use the soup labels to purchase different things, such as computers in a special catalog.

There was a tie between the team of Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Upsilon and Theta Xi and the team of Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Pi and Phi Kappa Theta for first place in community promotions.

Erik King, general co-chairman for Greek Week, said the canoe race was a popular event that was added to this year’s greek olympics.

“A lot of people said it was their favorite. We drew a big crowd,” King said.

Pi Beta Phi’s team claimed the first-place prize for greek olympics. The team also won the lip sync competition.

The tournaments winner this year was Kappa Delta’s team.

King said this year the Greek Week Central Committee tried to put less emphasis on competition in the tournaments.

Kappa Delta’s team was also the blood drive winner.

“I feel Greek Week was a success,” King said, “and I think people were happy about how it went.”