We need all the fun we can get

Steve Borgman

I am writing in response to Mary Kriener’s letter in the March 26 Daily about Charles Calek’s column on the unfortunate loss of the Cyclones to the Bruins.

Call me insensitive, but I thought the column was an amusing and entertaining discussion of a timely topic. While Ms. Kriener and others may question Mr. Calek’s taste (he professes to hate Hole, for instance), I seem to recall from my own years at ISU that more than one or two male classmates seemed preoccupied with the female anatomy and experiments involving various beverages and smoking materials. Time dims the memories, but I suspect that today’s ISU students share some of the same interests as students of yesteryear.

Surely Ms. Kriener is not against a little humor when so much of the news is sad, tragic, and horrifying. We need all the fun we can get these days. I for one got a chuckle or two from the column. I say hats off and Keystone all around for Mr. Calek!

P.S. It would be nice if Mr. Calek would dump on the Hawkeyes a little more often.

Steve Borgman

Alum, ’83

Houston, Texas