A new trend

Editorial Board

Gone may be the days of drinking games such as Quarters, Three Man and Hi-Low. The beer bongs may hang dry as wall decorations from parties held weeks before. A beer-a-mid of cans may be all that remains from a weekend beer-bash.

The drinking days may soon be numbered, at least, for two more fraternities on Iowa State’s campus.

Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta are scheduled to be dry houses by the year 2000. FarmHouse fraternity was the original dry house on campus until the recent change.

With pressure mounting after random drinking deaths in recent years, many fraternities are considering using the houses essentially as living quarters and support centers for students without including the atmosphere of a local bar.

To their efforts, we say, bravo, and keep up the good work. It’s not easy to change a system where a substance such as alcohol has such a heavy hand in fraternal tradition.

It’s great that new students have more choices in fraternities to join without having to worry about alcohol being part of the environment.

Sure, parties are still going to happen. College is still about fun while learning. But at least the image of college students being irresponsible drinkers may change because of the efforts of a few dry fraternities.

Deck yourself out, turn up the music, dim the lights, and grab a soda. There’s going to be a party.