The need for speed

Mike Hansen

I would like to spend a moment to comment on Steve Martens article that was published Wednesday (Mar 5) about increased speed limits.

I would simply like to point out that the 75 mph limit in Nebraska was enacted due to vast expanses of seemingly empty space with little traffic flow … namely western Nebraska, where my parents live.

I do agree that there are people who can’t or won’t travel the designated speed limit on Interstate 80 for safety reasons or gas preservation or limitations on their vehicles. I would like to remind these people that U.S. Highway 30 also follows the Platte River Valley through Nebraska, and often is only a mile or less to the north of I-80.

The speed limit on this road, and other roads like it (U.S. Highway 20 farther north, for one) is 60, and I must say traffic is practically devoid on these roads due to the interstate. So, for those of you who like to travel at moderate speeds, please use Highway 30. Sure, it’ll take a bit longer, but if you only want to drive 50-60 anyway, traveling on this road and roads like it will be safer for you as well as the folks who deem it necessary to travel a bit faster because they won’t have to slalom around you.

Mike Hansen

Graduate Student

Meat Science