Making the right choice

Editorial Board

Jeremy Williams, a senior in computer engineering, was the favorite choice as next year’s Government of the Student Body finance director of President-Elect Rob Wiese and Vice President-Elect Matt McLaren.

Two senators, John Hamilton and Mark Nimmer, have expressed their disapproval over the selection because Williams was chosen over current finance director Todd Swanson.

They say Swanson should have been selected because he was the better qualified of the two.

Objecting to Williams nomination is fine. We don’t necessarily agree, but it’s within the senators’ rights to tell Wiese and McLaren that Williams isn’t qualified.

The problem is Nimmer and Hamilton say they will block Williams’ nomination because they wanted Swanson.

Now by all accounts, Swanson has done a great job as finance director, but that’s not the issue.

As senators, Nimmer and Hamilton are charged with evaluating the finance director nominee based on his or her own merits. They can either approve or reject, but it is not their jobs to hand pick a nominee.

The Senate’s task is narrow: evaluate the nominee.

We like Swanson. We think the student body would be lucky to have him continue as finance director.

But Williams is no slouch, either.

Williams has a variety of student leadership activities in his corner. He has served as a GSB senator, the Towers Residence Association president, treasurer of KURE, a Daily Publication Board member and a three-year member of the GSB finance committee.

There is nothing wrong with Swanson. There is nothing wrong with Williams.

Both have an abundance of GSB experience. Both could be considered equally qualified for the position.

But for whatever reason, Williams obviously made an impression on Wiese and McLaren. He is the nominee. He deserves to be evaluated based only on qualification, not competition.