Veishea deadlines extended

Tracy Griffin

With hopes to get more clubs involved in this year’s festivities, Veishea committee members have extended the registration deadlines for many activities.

“We want clubs to be involved,” said David Baer, co-chairman for Veishea’s Open House. “It’s a great way to get clubs noticed on campus.”

In order to get more clubs involved, Veishea has extended its registration deadlines for Open House, Cultural Fest and Cy’s Big Top until Friday, March 28. Veishea festivities will be held April 18-20.

“Whatever your club does, you can put it on display,” Baer said.

Clubs can set up anywhere on campus, Baer said, and there will be display maps posted for people in attendance.

Baer said there is usually a good turn out for all of the open houses.

“It’s on central campus and everybody’s here to watch the parade — there’s a lot of people,” Baer said.

Examples of Open House events are the ISU Skydiving Club, members will land on central campus during the event, and the Society of Creative Anachronisms, whose members will have a medieval village set-up on campus. Baer said there will be a battle between knights at this display.

Cultural Fest is a chance for ethnic and culture clubs to “show off their club and what they have to offer on campus,” said Raquel Port, co-chairwoman of Cultural Fest.

Ethnic and culture clubs are invited to set up a display for their organization. Port said in the past, clubs have cooked ethnic foods, danced and sold T-shirts.

There is no entry fee unless the club wishes to use electricity or sell something at its display.

Port said clubs need to submit their registration forms as soon as possible so Veishea committee members can reserve space for them.

Cultural Fest will be held in a tent in front of Curtiss Hall on the Saturday of Veishea.

Cy’s Big Top is an open house aimed at entertaining children. Student clubs and organizations as well as houses from the greek system coordinate activities for children.

This year’s events include face painting, a petting zoo, a coloring contest and a pan-for-gold competition. There is no fee to get into Cy’s Big Top, but individual booths may have a small charge.

The drumline club ISU GROOVE will also perform in front of the tent following the parade.

Teresa Mathias, co-chairwoman for Cy’s Big Top, said, “It’s a fun opportunity for group’s to get involved, work with kids and have a good time.”All open houses will take place on April 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Groups that are interested should contact the Veishea office at 294-1026.