BFSA offers support
March 3, 1997
The Black Faculty and Staff Association at Iowa State University adds its voice to those expressing outrage at the recent trampling of First Amendment rights by the university. The arbitrary nature by which leaders were identified and the harsh judgment pronounced on those so identified can be seen as nothing less than the silencing of students that have expressed ideas not in line with those of the administration.
It is also important to note that these students, in trying to go through proper channels to hold their rally, were informed of possible consequences and were prepared for those consequences. However, the resulting judgments were not consistent with the information provided to the students.
BFSA stands in support of the students and their right to free speech as expressed by their orderly demonstration in Beardshear. We ask that these bright, articulate students be allowed to fully participate in the university learning environment where, supposedly, the sharing of ideas is held in high regard. BFSA also offers to assist in any way possible those seeking to rectify this situation.
Aaron Davenport
BFSA President