Daily Staff Writer

* Urinary incontinence, the loss of urine control caused by illnesses, medications or aging, affects about 13 million adults, three million of whom are elderly.

* 10 to 15 million men suffer from impotence/erectile dysfunction.

* Diabetes is a serious problem among African-American women. One in four African-American women older than 55 has diabetes— double the rate in white women.

* At least 50 million Americans have elevated blood pressure requiring treatment with drugs or constant monitoring. About 15 percent are not even aware that they have high blood pressure.

* African-Americans develop high blood pressure earlier and more severely than whites. Compared with whites, African-Americans have about 11/2 to 2 times more strokes, 6 times more kidney failure and 3 to 5 times more heart attacks related to high blood pressure.