Impeaching judges

Alan L. Light

Some Republicans, upset at what they call “judicial activism,” have come up with the radical idea to impeach judges who hold political views different from their own. House Majority Whip Tom Delay said last week that the Republicans will try to impeach “liberal” federal judges — and they already have a few in mind. But according to the Constitution, judges can only be impeached for “treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors,” not for their political views.

Mr. Delaney and his fellow “thought police” need to go back to school. They don’t seem to understand how our American system of government works.

Thank God we have a judicial system that will protect the rights of minorities, no matter how many in the majority may vote to take those rights away. Politicians often knowingly ignore Constitutional law to capitalize on the latest hot button political wedge issue for their short term political gain. There are demagogues who sway voters this way and that, leaving the courts to clean up the mess. Thankfully we have checks and balances built into our system of law and courts to step in to prevent the majority from trampling the rights of the minority. They protect us from our worst impulses. Our system works. The courts are doing exactly what they were designed to do. This is why the founding fathers gave us this branch of government. Voters might give Republicans custody of their wallets, but not their constitutional rights.

Alan L. Light

Iowa City