ISU students set to tour with fellow FFA officers

Laura Baitinger

The Future Farmers of America at Iowa State will join their peers from across the country to celebrate National FFA week.

Seven of Iowa’s nine state FFA officers are students in ISU’s College of Agriculture.

Renae Rubsam, a freshman in agriculture education, serves as northwest vice president. She said the state officers represent over 11,000 Iowa FFA members.

The state officers will travel the state this week on a Blue and Gold tour.

They will meet with high school chapters to promote the FFA message to students and advisers.

Officers will share the benefits they have received from FFA, including leadership, travel and farming opportunities.

“We want to help other students have these opportunities also,” Rubsam said.

FFA is an agriculture leadership organization that represents the areas of agricultural education and career development.

The state officer team will host a Legislative Symposium at the State Capitol building on Tuesday. FFA members from across the state will meet with legislatures to talk about ag issues.

Several activities will take place on the ISU campus to recognize the FFA this week. On Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m., the ISU Collegiate FFA chapter will meet with ISU President Martin Jischke who will sign a proclamation declaring the week National FFA Week.

Wednesday morning current and former FFA members are invited to breakfast with the faculty from the College of Agriculture. The breakfast will take place on the second floor of Curtiss Hall at 7:30 a.m.

It is a tradition to recognize the former FFA and 4-H members for their past achievements, said Gaylan Scofield, systems support for agricultural education and studies/Brenton Center.

He said the College of Ag recruitment committee organizes the breakfast. Scofield estimated 35-40 percent of incoming students to the College of Agriculture were active FFA members during high school.

“We appreciate their past achievements and look forward to their future leadership in agriculture,” Scofield said. “It is a nice working relationship because both parties are interested in agriculture.”

During this week of celebration, the Collegiate FFA chapter hopes to finish its proposal for creating and hosting a district conference for Collegiate FFA chapters next year.

The ISU chapter is looked at as one of the strongest chapters devoted to the new views of the national board, said club president Sarah Denburger, a sophomore in agricultural education and agricultural business.