Searching for jobs, internships? BigYellow is there to help

Tracy Griffin

If you need help finding a job after graduation, BigYellow may be the answer you’re looking for.

BigYellow is a national on-line yellow page service that has listings for almost every business in the United States.

“The best thing about it is that it can put you in touch with almost any recruiter in the United States,” said Phil Santoro, a spokesperson for Big Yellow and NYNEX Information Technologies.

The companies in BigYellow are categorized by business type. Graduating students can type in the career on which they are interested as well as their desired locations and almost instantly get a list of businesses that match their specifications.

Students can then get the name, address, phone number and possibly the Web site for the company they are interested in. The Web site will give more information about the company, Santoro said.

“Many [companies] are posting job openings on the Internet. You need to find the ‘Help Wanted’ link on the web site,” he said.

There are 8,000 advertisers, companies with more information than just their names, addresses and phone numbers, on Big Yellow and “no industry in America is not on there.”

Santoro said there is also an international link on BigYellow. There are 34 countries represented in this link.

Addresses to companies are not the only thing BigYellow provides to its users. Santoro said there are also links for moving companies and car dealerships. One link will show information on wholesale prices for cars.

“The whole idea is connecting buyers of anything with sellers of everything,” Santoro said.

Santoro said if you’re interested in internships you should follow the same steps as if you were looking for job openings.

“If the business you’re interested in has a Web site go there and look for any intern listings,” he said.

The BigYellow service is free to consumers. It is offered by NYNEX Information Technologies, a subsidiary of NYNEX Information Resources Company.

The Web site for BigYellow is