ISU has heard enough from Mitchell

Ben Hahn

When I read Zuri Jerdon’s article, “Mitchell: Life is Normal” on the front page of the Feb. 7 issue of the Daily, I was compelled to write this letter to express my extreme disgust of its contents.

In the article, Deantrious Mitchell is portrayed once again as the victim in the whole “racial beating that never happened” incident. The only victim in the incident was Iowa State, not Mitchell.

Am I the only one who has a hard time feeling sorry for Mr. Mitchell? What he did was despicable, deplorable and downright sick. He gives no reason for his act of cutting his own face, nor for his act of lying to the authorities.

We can only infer that he is a sick and disturbed person who was in need of attention. Why then are we giving him more attention by putting him on the front of the Daily?

Iowa State has heard enough of what Deantrious Mitchell has to say. In addition to himself Mr. Mitchell has hurt ISU and all of its students by his behavior.

We can only hope his punishment included serious counseling or he may hurt Iowa State or himself again.

Ben Hahn


Electrical Engineering