Arrogance in teaching

Benjamin Studenski

I believe it is telling that the instructor, whose outrageously arrogant attitude towards students was exposed in the article “Another Outrage in the Classroom” in Thursday’s Daily, (Feb. 6) teaches freshman composition.

The grad students who teach English 105 do not always seem to be so much a collection of scholars as a group of actors all trying out for the part of the new teacher in James Clavell’s “A Children’s Story.”

English 105 has become probably the most politicized course on campus, and needlessly so.

Is it really necessary to have the entire semester of this required writing class dedicated solely to extreme feminism and victim politics? Is spending class-time on how Donald Duck justifies imperialism of such importance that students are required to follow race/class/gender methodologies in freshman comp?

The arrogance of the composition professor quoted in the Daily,who said that a paper from a student that met all the requirements of the assignment should be given a “C” grade in order to help him fight grade inflation, is intolerable.

And this arrogance is complemented by the arrogance of a department whose members demand authority over diversity issues such as the Catt Hall debate, but who seem to have only one narrow and partisan ideology represented in their own politically evangelizing department.

If diversity is truly a goal of all the members of the English department who have written the Daily, perhaps the place to begin is not with condemning the most prominent person who fought to give women the right to vote, but with hiring someone within your own department who represents a new viewpoint.

Maybe even hire someone who is (gasp!) conservative or better yet someone who is (double gasp!) a non-partisan who puts teaching over politics.

If that diversity program seems to odrastic, perhaps a first step could be to bring in a sensitivity consultant to demonstrate how to respond to different opinions without trying to creatively insinuate that the person with different views is a Nazi.

Benjamin Studenski


Industrial Engineering