Keeping the idea in mind

Paula Lea Cartwright

This letter is in response to Theresa Wilson’s article, “Beardshear Eight needs a lesson in civil disobedience.” I once had similar views when the controversy first surfaced. My response was, “So what? Those were different times and look at all the good she did.” I still feel that Carrie Chapman Catt is a hero for women. The naming of Catt Hall does not offend me because I am a white female. She was fighting for my right to vote.

It is impossible for me to say what I would feel if I was black, because I am not black and never will be. Neither will President Jischke or other members of the administration that are white. All I know is that the people that are involved in the September 29th feel very strongly about their cause and are very dedicated in the removal of the name. I applaud them and share in their views. If there is something on campus that offends anyone, if it be only three people, it should be abolished. There are far more than three people that are offended by Catt Hall. I do not care if a Daily survey found over half of the people surveyed were in favor of the name. How many of the people surveyed do you think were African American?

I once had the opinion of Theresa Wilson until I examined the subject closer. If I was offended by something on campus, I would want to be taken seriously by the administration and have the problem resolved. The same should be done for The September 29th Movement. Isn’t it obvious that they are not going away and will continue to fight for their cause as long as the name Catt Hall stands?

Yes, Catt did many good things in her life that have effects in today’s society. However, she did say some things that still offend people in today’s society. By renaming the building we are not condemning Catt and all that she did. She just said some things that offended people here at Iowa State University. I believe we need to look at why it was named Catt Hall in the first place. Old Botany was turned into a building that celebrated courageous and worthwhile women. This idea should not be forgotten around all of the controversy. Catt Hall is a fine showcase for Women’s Rights, and should stay that way regardless of the name. I think it should not be changed back to Old Botany, but stay on the theme of outstanding women, such as Cartwright Hall!

Paula Lea Cartwright


Elementary/Special Education