Perhaps another time?

Jeni Nosbisch

The Daily reported on sparse attendance at the first candidate debate. To my recollection, all three presidential debates are planned for the same time, the noon hour. While the intent may be to get us to buy our lunch at the Union so we can attend the debate, not all of us are able to do so. I personally cannot attend noon hour debates because of class. Could at least one of the debates be held at a different hour? Four o’clock, for example, is still within the class day, but I know many people have already finished their last classes by then. People would likely still be on campus, and could attend.

I think everyone should vote in order to support the democratic system. In all fairness though, how can one make a fully informed vote when one cannot attend such an important event? Perhaps the Daily could offer, if not a full transcript, at least a record of questions and responses. I would also like to attend a debate so I can judge how a candidate reacts in a public forum, but a record of the debate would at least be helpful.

Jeni Nosbisch

