Contracts are made to be broken

Cade Remsburg

Jeez! I found out very quickly that if you insult the Packers in central Iowa you quickly become the second coming of Robert Zeis.

Sports have been very boring the past week, and only one subject has really raised my ire recently.

The whole Bill Parcells deal has really gone way past the control of the NFL and I am not happy about it at all.

When the Super Bowl came, it was well known that Bill Parcells was probably not going to be around in New England for another year. It was pretty obvious that he did not want another year of Robert Kraft’s tyranny.

The rumor mill had Parcells heading to the New York Jets and Kraft wanted old Bill to stick around.

The Super Bowl ended, and Bill asked to be let out of his contract by NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue. After some consideration, Tagliabue said no to Parcells and the only question I have left is for Mr. Tagliabue.


Isn’t this the same Bill Parcells who Robert Kraft let out of his contract a year ago because the team wasn’t winning enough games?

I remember the situation clearly. The Patriots had a terrible year and both Kraft and Parcells blamed each other.

The two sat down and hammered out a deal that would give Parcells just one more year coaching in New England and the second year was an option.

Parcells knew he didn’t want to come back and took the deal wholeheartedly. Now, it has become very obvious that if you get to the Super Bowl, Kraft will keep you around no matter what he has to compromise.

The only way for Parcells to take over any head coaching duties was if the New England Patriots were offered what they considered ample compensation for the coach.

Well, New York really wanted Parcells and started offering everything but its first-round draft pick for the services of Bill Parcells.

The Patriots would accept nothing less than the first round draft pick. The Patriots won the battle.

However, the Jets won the war. Tuesday, the Jets checkmated the Patriots and named one of Parcells’ former assistants Bill Belichek as their head coach.

The Jets have made it no secret that Parcells will be assuming head coaching duties after this year, and I just have to say bravo!

I can’t believe Tagliabue blocked the first Parcells move, and he’ll probably block this one too (the Patriots have already filed a complaint).

I wonder what goes through his head.

Does Tagliabue believe the Jets aren’t quite bad enough yet? Is he going to name the next Jets coach and make sure they set a new mark for futility in sports?

It truly makes me very sad to see the Jets get picked on again. I can see New England’s position, they don’t want Parcells in the same division, but I can’t see where Tagliabue gets off on his power trip.

The contract was written to be broken, so break it already.