Reaching common ground

Editorial Board

Both sides are stubborn, nobody wanted to give in or compromise.

The Second Wave, a student group that works to defend the First Amendment, has attempted for the past week to meet with Iowa State administrators.

For a while, it was back and forth, and we thought we’d have another student-group-wishes-to-speak-with-Jischke-but-neither-side-wants-to compromise situation. But President Martin Jischke and The Second Wave compromised.

Members of The Second Wave were denied permission last Wednesday by Student Activities Center officials to hold a diversity rally inside Beardshear Hall on Feb. 17. Then Jischke placed a letter in Friday’s Daily saying that he would be out of town on Feb. 17. He said Feb. 20 would be a better day.

When we read the letter, we were braced for a battle of the wills, but when we discovered that they agreed to have a rally on Feb. 27, we were pleasantly surprised.

On the other hand, this coming Feb. 27 rally seems like a chance for a positive public relations move by university administrators after the ordeal surrounding the unauthorized Nov. 5 town meeting held by The September 29th Movement.

It seems like the administrators are either A, using this to show The Movement how officials are willing to discuss issues with student groups, or B, learning from previous PR mistakes and working more closely with students.

We doubt, however, that the administrators are willing to cooperate with The Movement and vice-versa.

We only hope that on Feb. 27, because the rally is outside, that Jischke and other administrators come out onto the steps to hear the kind of speech The Second Wave is so adamantly working to defend.