HSB endorses candidates

Laura B. Held

In an effort to involve ourselves directly with campus activities involving more than just honors students, the Honors Student Board (HSB) invited the presidential and vice presidential candidates to speak with us at our business meeting on Feb. 16. After each ticket presented their platforms, the HSB executive council discussed which ticket it wished to officially endorse.

Granted, the endorsement of any ticket by HSB is truly only an endorsement of the executive council and others Honors Program members that were present at the meeting — not the 900-plus students who compose the honors program. Nevertheless, we deliberated over which platform had the experience, insight and students interests at the center of their platform. We were impressed with the wealth of not only ideas but action plans presented by each ticket.

Rob Ruminski (who spoke on behalf of his presidential running mate LaRhonda Potts because she was unable to attend our meeting) presented issues with a passion for diversity and expressed that he and Potts would hold senators accountable as representatives of their constituents. Swanson and Powell brought with them the experience of having worked as a GSB cabinet member and senator, respectively; and, Swanson noted that he envisioned the president’s job as a manager. Flaherty and Halliburton focused our attention on the often overlooked but ever-present issues of campus security and U-bill charging at the bookstore. Logan and Cross have an informed view of GSB policy, procedure and history.

Though each of these tickets has individual strengths, the majority of the executive board feels that Wiese and McLaren have the skills, experience, drive and vision to help make our GSB an outstanding example of the best of students government.

Wiese and McLaren seem to be the most approachable. Wiese is a go-getter. Not only has he served as the IRHA president for the past two years, he initiated the Book Exchange that has saved hundreds of students money. Wiese and McLaren also stress the importance of communication. Though all the candidates talked about communication, Wiese and McLaren plan to address students by creating a weekly radio show and faculty by forming a joint committee with the Faculty Senate. Wiese and McLarens platform goals address specific student concerns: tuition increases, opening communication with minority groups on campus.

The Honors Students Board endorses the slate of Rob Wiese and Matt McLaren for GSB president and vice president. However, we encourage honors students to check out the bulletin boards in Osborn Cottage for a complete list of each platform’s strengths. The Honors Student Board has attempted to make an informed decision for this election. We encourage all Iowa State students to do the same.

Laura B. Held



President, Honors Student Board