Visible presence

Lisa Hermsen

Dean MacKay has likened the different punishments The Beardshear Eight have received for similar charges to speeding, whereby someone going 160 would receive a stiffer penalty than someone going 110.

First off, I don’t see how the analogy works in this case. Sounds like The Beardshear Eight were more severely punished because they were more visibly present at the rally than others? But for now, let’s follow that analogy a little further. And let’s not be naive.

Some people, because of who they are, will walk away from a speeding charge with a warning. And as Jay Berry and Kel Munger reminded us at the teach-in, some people, because of who they are, will be unfairly detained and have their vehicles unjustifiably searched and seized. Because these acts can be explained away by someone in a position of authority doesn’t make them right. It’s harassment just the same.

Lisa Hermsen

Graduate Student in English