Daily should change

Chris Van Oosbree

I’ve formed some very definite opinions after completing my first semester at ISU. Here are a couple concerning the Daily and GSB:

I really don’t think the Daily serves any purpose other than printing the latest rumblings about GSB. Conversely, I don’t think GSB serves any purpose other than to give the Daily writers something to write about.

Maybe the Daily should consider changing its name to “GSB Follies,”or even, “What Adam Gold Did Wrong Yesterday.” It’s only logical, considering 90 percent of the Daily’s articles fall into these categories.

The Daily has certainly found a niche reporting the dirt on the “scandals” of the week.

I think it’s a safe bet that a lot of ISU students are fed up with this stuff. My suggestion to them is to get some real news by subscribing to The Register or Newsweek.

They certainly won’t find much of that in the Daily.

Chris Van Oosbree


Computer Engineering