Silly Catt issue

Adrian Devore

In reaction to the censoring of the 9/29 Movement, I am not shocked because they have brought their actions down upon themselves. By failing to see the “bigger” picture regarding the mistreatment of students of color at Iowa State who are constantly living in an uncomfortable environment of zero tolerance, subjected to being “screwed over” by instructors, having support systems with limited staffing/funding sources and retention problems, the 9/29 Movement elected to simply ignore them.

In this increasingly silly issue of CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT HALL, they belabored way too long to the point that no one truly cared! What is there to cry over a name of a stupid building by (again) ignoring their audiences? Last Tuesday’s teach-in was tragically late in rallying support to revert CATT HALL back to Old Botany. It should have been done last year!

I went to it only to find myself laughing whenever Catt’s name was mentioned before sitting through an hour of intellectual babble on a how-to guide over arguing controversies. What a waste of time? They have also failed to move toward other pressing issues which more directly affect ISU students such as the following options:

1. Increasing tolerance levels from zero to 100.

2. Generate a forum in mobilizing graduate students to form a union.

3. Greater leverage for non-traditional students to fight against age discrimination.

4. Demand accountability from university administrators, faculty, staff and other students in the mistreatment of minorities on this campus.

5. An open arena to voice complaints without retaliation/retribution.

ISU’s desperate need for censorship in a closed court serves as a reflection of its own incapability to tolerate differing viewpoints. If the 9/29 Movement were a bunch of multicultural conservatives (rather than liberals), it would have been a simple “slap on the wrist!”

Even with all of the legal appeals to overturn their convictions there isn’t really too much to salvage. For that, the 9/29 movement has only hurt itself by accomplishing nothing in its warped desire to change the name of CATT HALL. It’s time to MOVE ON!

Adrian DeVore


Food Science